Treaties & Agreements
Sykes-Picot Agreement 1916
Faisel-Weizmann Agreement 1919
Egyptian-Israeli General Armistice Agreement 1949
Israel-Jordan Armistice Agreement 1949
Israel-Lebanon Armistice Agreement 1949
Israel-Syria Armistice Agreement 1949
Separation of Forces Agreement between Egypt & Israel 1974
Separation of Forces Agreement between Syria & Israel 1974
Interim Agreement between Israel and Egypt 1975
Framework for Peace in the Middle East-Camp David 1978
Peace Treaty between Egypt and Israel 1979
Memorandum of Agreement between USA and Israel 1979
Memorandum of Understanding between USA and Israel on Strategic Cooperation 1981
Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements (Oslo I) 1993
Protocol on Economic Relations between Israel and PLO (Paris) 1994
Agreement on the Gaza Strip and Jerico Area (Cairo) 1994
Annex 1
Annex 2
Annex 3
Annex 4
Letters and Maps
Agreement on preparatory transfer of powers 1994
Peace Treaty between Jordan and Israel 1994
Interim Agreement about West Bank and Gaza Strip 1995
Annexes 1 & 2
Annexes 3 to 6
Protocol of Redeployment in Hebron 1997
Wye River Memorandum 1998
Sharm ElSheikh Memorandum 1999
Agreements on movement and access from and to Gaza 2005